Sunday, February 14, 2010

DOWLOADS 1 (Submitted Solutions to UVA Online Judge||online Judge Solution Archive.)

Problem Id. Title Download
100 The 3n+1 problem Download/View
101 The Blocks Problem Download/View
102 Ecological bin packaging Download/View
103 Stacking Boxes Download/View
105 The Skyline Problem Download/View
106 Fermat vs Pythagoras Download/View
108 Maximum Sum Download/View
111 History Grading Download/View
112 Tree Summing Download/View
113 Power of Cryptography Download/View
115 Climbing Trees Download/View
116 Unidirectional TSP Download/View
117 The Postal Worker Rings Once Download/View
118 Mutant Flatworld Explorers Download/View
119 Greedy Gift Givers Download/View
120 Stack of Flapjacks Download/View
122 Trees on the level Download/View
123 Searching quickly Download/View
124 Following orders Download/View
125 Numbering Paths Download/View
128 Software CRC Download/View
130 Roman Roulette Download/View
133 The Dole Queue Download/View
136 Ugly Numbers Download/View
137 Polygons Download/View
138 Street Numbers Download/View
139 Telephone Tangles Download/View
140 Bandwidth Download/View
141 The Spot Game Download/View
144 Student Grants Download/View
145 Gondwanaland Telecom Download/View
146 ID Codes Download/View
147 Dollars Download/View
148 Anagram Checker Download/View
151 Power Crisis Download/View
153 Permalex Download/View
154 Recycling Download/View
155 All Squares Download/View
156 Ananagrams Download/View
159 Word Crosses Download/View
160 Factors and Factorials Download/View
164 String Computer Download/View
166 Making Change Download/View
167 The Sultan's Successors Download/View
170 Clock Patience Download/View
177 Paper Folding Download/View
187 Transaction Processing Download/View
188 Perfect Hash Download/View
190 Circle Through Three Points Download/View
193 Graph Coloring Download/View
195 Anagram Download/View
196 Spreadsheet Download/View
198 Peter's Calculator Download/View
200 Rare Order Download/View
201 Squares Download/View
202 Repeating Decimals Download/View
208 Firetruck Download/View
209 Triangular Vertices Download/View
216 Getting in Line Download/View
227 Puzzle Download/View
232 Crossword Answers Download/View
242 Stamps and Envelope Size Download/View
245 Uncompress Download/View
247 Calling Circles Download/View
253 Cube Painting Download/View
255 Correct Move Download/View
256 Quirksome Squares Download/View
259 Software Allocation Download/View
260 Il Gioco dell X Download/View
263 Number Chains Download/View
264 Count on Cantor Download/View
268 Double Trouble Download/View
271 Simply Syntax Download/View
272 TeX Quotes Download/View
275 Expanding Fractions Download/View
277 Cabinets Download/View
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280 Vertex Download/View
290 Palindroms <---> smordnilaP Download/View
291 The House of Santa Claus Download/View
294 Divisors Download/View
297 Quadtree Download/View
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300 Maya Calendar Download/View
305 Joseph Download/View
306 Cipher Download/View
314 Robot Download/View
315 Network Download/View
320 Border Download/View
324 Factorial Frequencies Download/View
326 Extrapolation using a Difference Table Download/View
327 Evaluating Simple C Expressions Download/View
331 Mapping the Swaps Download/View
332 Rational Numbers from Repeating Fractions Download/View
333 Recognizing Good ISBNs Download/View
336 A Node Too Far Download/View
340 Mastermind Hints Download/View
343 What Base Is This? Download/View
344 Roman Digititis Download/View

DOWLOADS 2 (Submitted Solutions to UVA Online Judge||online Judge Solution Archive.)

Problem Id. Title Download
347 Run, Run, Runaround Numbers Download/View
348 Optimal Array Multiplication Sequence Download/View
350 Pseudo-Random Numbers Download/View
352 The Seasonal War Download/View
353 Pesky Palindromes Download/View
355 The Bases are Loaded Download/View
356 Square Pegs and Round Holes Download/View
357 Let Me Count The Ways Download/View
369 Combinations Download/View
371 Ackermann Functions Download/View
374 Big Mod Download/View
377 Cowculations Download/View
378 Intersecting Lines Download/View
379 Hi-Q Download/View
380 Call Forwarding Download/View
381 Making the Grade Download/View
382 Perfection Download/View
384 Slurpys Download/View
386 Perfect Cubes Download/View
387 A Puzzling Problem Download/View
389 Basically Speaking Download/View
392 Polynomial Showdown Download/View
394 Mapmaker Download/View
395 Board Silly Download/View
397 Equation Elation Download/View
401 Palindromes Download/View
402 M*A*S*H Download/View
409 Excuses, Excuses! Download/View
410 Station Balance Download/View
412 Pi Download/View
414 Machined Surfaces Download/View
417 Word Index Download/View
422 Word-Search Wonder Download/View
423 MPI Maelstrom Download/View
424 Integer Inquiry Download/View
436 Arbitrage (II) Download/View
438 Circumference of the Circle Download/View
439 Knight Moves Download/View
440 Eeny Meeny Moo Download/View
441 Lotto Download/View
442 Matrix Chain Multiplication Download/View
443 Humble Numbers Download/View
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469 Wetlands of Florida Download/View
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476 Points in Figures: Rectangles Download/View
477 Points in Figures: Rectangles and Circles Download/View
478 Points in Figures: Rectangles, Circles, and Triangles Download/View
481 What Goes Up Download/View
482 Permutation Arrays Download/View
483 Word Scramble Download/View
484 The Department of Redundancy Department Download/View
485 Pascal s Triangle of Death Download/View
486 English Number Translator Download/View
487 Boggle Blitz Download/View
488 Triangle Wave Download/View
489 Hangman Judge Download/View
490 Rotating Sentences Download/View
492 Pig-Latin Download/View
493 Rational Spiral Download/View
494 Kindergarten Counting Game Download/View
496 Simply Subsets Download/View
498 Polly The Polynomial Download/View
499 What's The Frequency, Kenneth? Download/View
501 Black Box Download/View
507 Jill Rides Again Download/View
514 Rails Download/View
516 Prime Land Download/View
517 Word Download/View
519 Puzzle (II) Download/View
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523 Minimum Transport Cost Download/View
526 String Distance and Transform Process Download/View
529 Addition Chains Download/View
530 Binomial Showdown Download/View
532 Dungeon Master Download/View
534 Frogger Download/View
536 Tree Recovery Download/View
537 Artificial Intelligence Download/View
538 Balancing Bank Accounts Download/View
539 The Settlers of Catan Download/View
540 The Settlers of Catan Download/View
541 Error Correction Download/View
542 France 98 Download/View
543 Goldbach's Conjecture Download/View
544 Heavy Cargo Download/View
545 Heads Download/View
547 DDF Download/View

DOWLOADS 3 (Submitted Solutions to UVA Online Judge||online Judge Solution Archive.)

Problem Id. Title Download
548 Tree Download/View
551 Nesting a Bunch of Brackets Download/View
555 Bridge Hands Download/View
558 Wormholes Download/View
561 Jackpot Download/View
562 Dividing Coins Download/View
568 Just the Facts Download/View
571 Jugs Download/View
572 Oil Deposits Download/View
573 The Snail Download/View
574 Sum It Up Download/View
575 Skew Binary Download/View
576 Haiku Review Download/View
579 ClockHands Download/View
580 Critical Mass Download/View
583 Prime Factors Download/View
584 Bowling Download/View
586 Instant Complexity Download/View
587 There s Treasure Everywhere Download/View
590 Always on the Run Download/View
591 Box of Bricks Download/View
593 MBone Download/View
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598 Bundling Newspapers Download/View
599 The Forrest for the Trees Download/View
601 The Path Download/View
604 The Boggle Game Download/View
607 Scheduling Lectures Download/View
608 Counterfeit Dollar Download/View
615 Is It A Tree Download/View
620 Cellular Structure Download/View
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623 500! Download/View
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626 Ecosystem Download/View
627 The Net Download/View
632 Compression (II) Download/View
636 Squares (III) Download/View
639 Don t Get Rooked Download/View
640 Self Numbers Download/View
641 Do the Untwist Download/View
642 Word Amalgamation Download/View
644 Immediate Decodability Download/View
647 Chutes and Ladders Download/View
652 Eight Download/View
653 Gizilch Download/View
654 Ratio Download/View
665 Scrabble Download/View
668 Parliament Download/View
671 Spell checker Download/View
674 Coin Change Download/View
677 All Walks of length "n" from the first node Download/View
679 Dropping Balls Download/View
682 Whoever-pick-the-last-one-lose Download/View
686 Goldbach's Conjecture (II) Download/View
694 The Collatz Sequence Download/View
696 How Many Knights Download/View
698 Index Download/View
703 Triple Ties: The Organizer's Nightmare Download/View
710 The Game Download/View
712 S-Trees Download/View
713 Adding Reversed Numbers Download/View
721 Invitation Cards Download/View
725 Division Download/View
727 Equation Download/View
729 Hamming Distance Problem Download/View
732 Anagrams by Stack Download/View
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748 Exponentiation Download/View
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755 487-3279 Download/View
762 We Ship Cheap Download/View
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806 Spatial Structures Download/View
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825 Walking on the Safe Side Download/View
834 Continued Fractions Download/View
836 Largest Submatrix Download/View
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846 Steps Download/View
847 A multiplication game Download/View
850 Crypt Kicker II Download/View
855 Lunch in Grid City Download/View
865 Substitution Cypher Download/View
869 Airline Comparison Download/View
871 Counting Cells in a Blob Download/View
872 Ordering Download/View
879 Circuit Nets Download/View
880 Cantor Fractions Download/View
884 Factorial Factors Download/View
892 Finding words Download/View
895 Word Problem Download/View
897 Anagrammatic Primes Download/View
899 Colour Circles Download/View
900 Brick Wall Patterns Download/View
913 Joanna and the Odd Numbers Download/View
926 Walking Around Wisely Download/View
974 Kaprekar Numbers Download/View

DOWLOADS 4 (Submitted Solutions to UVA Online Judge||online Judge Solution Archive.)

Problem Id. Title Download
993 product of digits Download/View
10000 Longest Paths Download/View
10003 Cutting Sticks Download/View
10004 Bicoloring Download/View
10006 Carmichael Numbers Download/View
10008 What's Cryptanalysis? Download/View
10009 All Roads Lead Where? Download/View
10010 Where's Waldorf? Download/View
10013 Super long sums Download/View
10014 Simple Calculations Download/View
10015 Joseph's Cousin Download/View
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10018 Reverse and add Download/View
10019 Funny Encryption Method Download/View
10022 Delta-wave Download/View
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10026 Shoemaker s problem Download/View
10029 Edit Step Ladders Download/View
10032 Tug of War Download/View
10033 Interpreter Download/View
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10035 Primary Arithmetic Download/View
10036 Divisibility Download/View
10037 Bridge Download/View
10038 Jolly Jumpers Download/View
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10061 How Many Zeros and How Many Digits? Download/View
10062 Tell Me The Frequencies Download/View
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10066 The Twin Towers Download/View
10067 Playing with Wheels Download/View
10068 The Treasure Hunt Download/View
10069 Distinct Subsequences Download/View
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10074 Take the Land Download/View
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10099 Tourist Guide Download/View
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10193 All You Need Is Love Download/View

DOWLOADS 5 (Submitted Solutions to UVA Online Judge||online Judge Solution Archive.)

Problem Id. Title Download
10194 Football Download/View
10195 Knights of the round table Download/View
10198 Counting Download/View
10199 Tourist Guide Download/View
10202 Pairsumonious Numbers Download/View
10205 Stack em Up Download/View
10212 The Last Non Download/View
10213 How many pieces of land Download/View
10219 Find the Ways! Download/View
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10222 Decode the Mad man Download/View
10223 How Many Nodes? Download/View
10226 Hardwood Species Download/View
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10440 Ferry Loading II Download/View
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10446 The Marriage Interview :-) Download/View

DOWLOADS 6 (Submitted Solutions to UVA Online Judge||online Judge Solution Archive.)

Problem Id. Title Download
10451 Ancient Village Sports Download/View
10453 Make Palindrome Download/View
10459 The Tree Root Download/View
10460 Find the Permuted String Download/View
10461 Difference Download/View
10462 Is There A Second Way Left? Download/View
10463 Is There A Second Way Left? Download/View
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