Sunday, February 14, 2010

DOWLOADS 3 (Submitted Solutions to UVA Online Judge||online Judge Solution Archive.)

Problem Id. Title Download
548 Tree Download/View
551 Nesting a Bunch of Brackets Download/View
555 Bridge Hands Download/View
558 Wormholes Download/View
561 Jackpot Download/View
562 Dividing Coins Download/View
568 Just the Facts Download/View
571 Jugs Download/View
572 Oil Deposits Download/View
573 The Snail Download/View
574 Sum It Up Download/View
575 Skew Binary Download/View
576 Haiku Review Download/View
579 ClockHands Download/View
580 Critical Mass Download/View
583 Prime Factors Download/View
584 Bowling Download/View
586 Instant Complexity Download/View
587 There s Treasure Everywhere Download/View
590 Always on the Run Download/View
591 Box of Bricks Download/View
593 MBone Download/View
594 One Little, Two Little, Three Little Endians Download/View
598 Bundling Newspapers Download/View
599 The Forrest for the Trees Download/View
601 The Path Download/View
604 The Boggle Game Download/View
607 Scheduling Lectures Download/View
608 Counterfeit Dollar Download/View
615 Is It A Tree Download/View
620 Cellular Structure Download/View
621 Secret Research Download/View
623 500! Download/View
624 CD Download/View
626 Ecosystem Download/View
627 The Net Download/View
632 Compression (II) Download/View
636 Squares (III) Download/View
639 Don t Get Rooked Download/View
640 Self Numbers Download/View
641 Do the Untwist Download/View
642 Word Amalgamation Download/View
644 Immediate Decodability Download/View
647 Chutes and Ladders Download/View
652 Eight Download/View
653 Gizilch Download/View
654 Ratio Download/View
665 Scrabble Download/View
668 Parliament Download/View
671 Spell checker Download/View
674 Coin Change Download/View
677 All Walks of length "n" from the first node Download/View
679 Dropping Balls Download/View
682 Whoever-pick-the-last-one-lose Download/View
686 Goldbach's Conjecture (II) Download/View
694 The Collatz Sequence Download/View
696 How Many Knights Download/View
698 Index Download/View
703 Triple Ties: The Organizer's Nightmare Download/View
710 The Game Download/View
712 S-Trees Download/View
713 Adding Reversed Numbers Download/View
721 Invitation Cards Download/View
725 Division Download/View
727 Equation Download/View
729 Hamming Distance Problem Download/View
732 Anagrams by Stack Download/View
740 Baudot Data Communication Code Download/View
748 Exponentiation Download/View
753 A Plug for Unix Download/View
755 487-3279 Download/View
762 We Ship Cheap Download/View
785 Grid Colouring Download/View
793 Network Connections Download/View
806 Spatial Structures Download/View
820 Internet Bandwidth Download/View
821 Page Hopping Download/View
825 Walking on the Safe Side Download/View
834 Continued Fractions Download/View
836 Largest Submatrix Download/View
839 Not so Mobile Download/View
846 Steps Download/View
847 A multiplication game Download/View
850 Crypt Kicker II Download/View
855 Lunch in Grid City Download/View
865 Substitution Cypher Download/View
869 Airline Comparison Download/View
871 Counting Cells in a Blob Download/View
872 Ordering Download/View
879 Circuit Nets Download/View
880 Cantor Fractions Download/View
884 Factorial Factors Download/View
892 Finding words Download/View
895 Word Problem Download/View
897 Anagrammatic Primes Download/View
899 Colour Circles Download/View
900 Brick Wall Patterns Download/View
913 Joanna and the Odd Numbers Download/View
926 Walking Around Wisely Download/View
974 Kaprekar Numbers Download/View

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