Sunday, February 14, 2010

DOWLOADS 4 (Submitted Solutions to UVA Online Judge||online Judge Solution Archive.)

Problem Id. Title Download
993 product of digits Download/View
10000 Longest Paths Download/View
10003 Cutting Sticks Download/View
10004 Bicoloring Download/View
10006 Carmichael Numbers Download/View
10008 What's Cryptanalysis? Download/View
10009 All Roads Lead Where? Download/View
10010 Where's Waldorf? Download/View
10013 Super long sums Download/View
10014 Simple Calculations Download/View
10015 Joseph's Cousin Download/View
10016 Flip-Flop the Squarelotron Download/View
10018 Reverse and add Download/View
10019 Funny Encryption Method Download/View
10022 Delta-wave Download/View
10025 The ?1?2?3?...?n = k problem Download/View
10026 Shoemaker s problem Download/View
10029 Edit Step Ladders Download/View
10032 Tug of War Download/View
10033 Interpreter Download/View
10034 Freckles Download/View
10035 Primary Arithmetic Download/View
10036 Divisibility Download/View
10037 Bridge Download/View
10038 Jolly Jumpers Download/View
10041 Vito s family Download/View
10042 Smith Numbers Download/View
10047 The Monocycle Download/View
10048 Audiophobia Download/View
10049 Self Download/View
10050 Hartals Download/View
10051 Tower of Cubes Download/View
10054 The Necklace Download/View
10055 Hashmat the Brave Warrior Download/View
10056 What is the Probability? Download/View
10057 A mid Download/View
10061 How Many Zeros and How Many Digits? Download/View
10062 Tell Me The Frequencies Download/View
10063 Knuth s Permutation Download/View
10066 The Twin Towers Download/View
10067 Playing with Wheels Download/View
10068 The Treasure Hunt Download/View
10069 Distinct Subsequences Download/View
10070 Leap Year or Not Leap Year and ... Download/View
10071 Back to High School Physics Download/View
10074 Take the Land Download/View
10077 Stern Download/View
10079 Pizza Cutting Download/View
10080 Gopher II Download/View
10082 WERTYU Download/View
10085 The most distant state Download/View
10092 The Problem with the Problemsetter Download/View
10093 An Easy Problem Download/View
10097 The Color Game Download/View
10098 Generating Fast, Sorted Permutation Download/View
10099 Tourist Guide Download/View
10100 Longest Match Download/View
10102 The Path in the Colored Field Download/View
10104 Euclid Problem Download/View
10106 Product Download/View
10107 What is the Median? Download/View
10111 Find the Winning Move Download/View
10113 Exchange Rates Download/View
10115 Automatic Editing Download/View
10120 Gift?! Download/View
10125 Sumsets Download/View
10126 Zipf s Law Download/View
10127 Ones Download/View
10128 Queue Download/View
10129 Play on Words Download/View
10130 SuperSale Download/View
10131 Is Bigger Smarter? Download/View
10132 File Fragmentation Download/View
10133 Audubon s Stormy Artic Trip Download/View
10137 The Trip Download/View
10138 CDVII Download/View
10140 Prime Distances Download/View
10141 Request for Proposal Download/View
10147 Highways Download/View
10150 Doublets Download/View
10152 Shellsort Download/View
10161 Ant on a Chessboard Download/View
10162 Last Digit Download/View
10164 Number Game Download/View
10168 Summation of Four Primes Download/View
10170 The Hotel with Infinte Rooms Download/View
10171 Meeting Prof. Miguel Download/View
10174 Couple Download/View
10176 Ocean Deep! Make it shallow!! Download/View
10177 (2/3/4)-D Sqr/Rects/Cubes/Boxes? Download/View
10178 Count the Faces Download/View
10179 Irreducable Basic Fractions Download/View
10181 15 Puzzle Download/View
10183 How Many Fibs? Download/View
10188 Automated Judge Script Download/View
10189 Mine Sweeper Download/View
10190 Divide but not quite Conquer Download/View
10191 Longest Nap Download/View
10192 Vacation Download/View
10193 All You Need Is Love Download/View

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